Directions: There are a couple versions of this game. In one version, a child sits in a parent’s lap. The child says to the parent “I love you but will you please, please smile?” The parent responds, “I love you but I just can’t smile!” The game is over when either player smiles, smirks, or snickers.
In another version of Please, Please Smile! a group sits in a circle. A volunteer picks a seated player, leans down and stares face-to-face saying: “Darling, I love you and I want you to please, please smile.” The recipient tries to stonewall, saying “Darling I love you but I just can’t smile.” If the recipient smiles, he trades places with the volunteer. If the volunteer smiles first, he chooses another player and repeats.
Suzanne’s Note: I love this game! It’s a great way to snuggle and giggle with your child. I played it with my daughter when she was 14. We had a sweet and silly time 🙂