Many cooperative games are played in circles. I’m including one of my favorites below. It’s a classic cooperative game for kids and adults alike.
Even when not physically played in a circular formation, cooperative games are still all about circles. If cooperative games could be symbolized by a geometric shape, it would surely be the circle. In a circle, all points are equal.
Compare the circle to the triangle. In a triangle, there is one position at the top. Many more points are below.
When we join together to play a cooperative game, we embody the paradigm of the circle—not the triangle. And that feels GOOD in a world where hierarchical structures abound.
Knotty People
Materials: None needed
Time Estimate: 15 minutes
Number of Players: 5 or more
Object of the Game: To form a human knot and untie it
Game Category: Active physical game
To Play: Players stand in a small circle. They place their right hands in front of them with their thumbs up, pointing toward the sky. Players use their other hand to
hold the thumb of anyone else in the circle except players standing immediately beside them to the right or left.
Now, the challenge is to untangle this human knot. Players can turn around, step over anyone, crawl anywhere, or do anything except let go.
With some coordination and focus, most knots can be untangled. If players just cannot do it after 10 minutes or so, they are “Knotty People,” which is okay in this case 😉
If you like the game Twister you’ll love this game!