We can get off of the treadmill that keeps us running faster and faster as we get farther and farther behind. We can choose at any time to search for balance and harmony in our lives and in our work rather than continue the blind pursuit of our narrow self interest. We can choose a life of quality — with enough income to sustain us physically, enough friends and neighbors to sustain us socially, following a code of ethics and morality that will sustain us spiritually. We can choose to pursue our enlightened self interest rather than simply give in to our greed. We can set examples and build models that others may choose to follow. We can develop the foundation of reality upon which new theories for an economics of enlightened self interest can be built. We can help guide humanity toward a sustainable future. And, we can do it at anytime we choose.
– John Ikerd
Economics Professor, Rethinking the Economics of Self-Interests